Saturday, May 5, 2012

The D Day is here.

The D Day is here.
My four books are now available on Kindle.
Detailed synopsis is available on Kindle website.
Here are few liners for each book.
1: My beloved darling: A booklet for a 12-13 years old girl. Mom is talking to her about oncoming menarche.
2: A Tale of Fengado: An Award winning pre-historical, pre-social novel.  When Margaret Meed a noted Anthropologist was asked, when did she declare that Human Civilization began here at that spot of excavation, she answered, when she gets a healed femur bone! It’s a story of that first ever human being named – Fengado.
3: Sentence of death: An award winning social novel. There is a similarity. When HIV destroys the God given immunity the person takes up her cross, and when the religious fanaticism destroys the  collective conscience of a  community, it starts walking towards the cross. The novel depicts this very similarity and the complex fabric of Indian middle class.
4: William Carey – a Saga: William Carey was a cobbler, with education till standard four; who came to India in 1790 against dictate of East India Company.  Carey was a linguist with working knowledge of ninety languages.  He was professor of Sanskrit, Marathi and Bengali. Carey himself taught astronomy, botany, and forestry besides, of course, languages and the Bible. He single handedly fought evil social system of sati. He was the rare person whom system could not defeat.
Go to web site:

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